Tue, Aug 6, 2024

She has bumps on her vagina that she is constantly licking, sometimes looks like an open wound. She is also itching a lot but no sign of fleas.

Dr. Balsama
Dr.Tail Vet

It sounds like your dog is experiencing some discomfort and irritation in her genital area, which can be quite concerning. There are a few potential causes for the bumps and itching that you’ve described:

Firstly, your dog might be having an allergic reaction. Dogs can be allergic to various things, including certain foods, environmental factors, or even grooming products. These allergies can lead to itching and the development of bumps.

Another possibility is an infection. Both bacterial and yeast infections can cause bumps, itching, and open sores. These infections can become worse if your dog is constantly licking the affected area.

Parasites could also be a culprit. Even if you don’t see fleas, other parasites like mites might be causing the itching.

Lastly, skin irritation could be due to contact with irritants or even from excessive licking, which can create a cycle of irritation and further licking.

For home care, you can try a few things to help alleviate her discomfort:

- **Keep the Area Clean**: Gently clean the area with a mild, pet-safe antiseptic solution and ensure it is thoroughly dried afterward.
- **Prevent Licking**: Using an Elizabethan collar (cone) can help prevent her from licking the area, which could worsen the condition.
- **Monitor for Changes**: Keep a close eye on the bumps and any changes in her behavior. If the bumps worsen or if she shows signs of pain, lethargy, or other symptoms, it’s important to seek veterinary care.

Given that this issue has been ongoing for a month and involves open wounds, it would be wise to have her examined by a veterinarian. They can rule out infections or other underlying conditions and provide appropriate treatments, such as antibiotics or antifungal medications if necessary.

If you have any further questions, please feel free to ask. Thank you.