They stick together when it gets really bad

It seems like your dog is experiencing some discomfort with their eyes, given the symptoms you've described, such as rubbing, redness, squinting, discharge, and sensitivity to light. These signs can point to several potential issues, including conjunctivitis (an eye infection), allergies, or even a foreign object in the eye.
For home care, you can gently clean the area around your dog's eyes using a soft, damp cloth to remove any discharge. Be sure to use a clean part of the cloth for each wipe to avoid spreading any potential infection. It's also important to prevent your dog from rubbing their eyes, as this can exacerbate the irritation. You might consider using an Elizabethan collar, commonly known as a cone, to stop them from rubbing their eyes with their paws.
Keep a close watch on the symptoms, and if they persist or worsen, it would be advisable to consult with a veterinarian. They can conduct a thorough examination and may prescribe medication, such as antibiotic eye drops, if an infection is detected.
If you have any further questions, please feel free to ask. Thank you.
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