Wed, Dec 6, 2023
Sensitive to touch
Excessive discharge
Bad smell
Itching(rubbing ears)
Head shaking

Just everything I have listed. Itching his skin.

Dr. Choe
Dr.Tail Vet

This condition can be caused by a variety of factors, including bacteria, yeast, ear mites, allergies, or foreign bodies lodged in the ear canal. The sensitivity to touch, excessive discharge, bad smell, itching, and head shaking are classic signs of an ear problem.

The itching of the skin elsewhere on the body could be related to the ear issues if there is an underlying allergy, or it could be a separate concern such as a skin infection, parasites, or another form of dermatitis.

You can gently clean the outer part of the ear with a damp cloth. Avoid inserting anything into the ear canal, as this could cause further damage. And you can use an Elizabethan collar to prevent your dog from reaching his ears.

You should take your pet to the hospital if you notice any of the following:

- Increased redness or swelling in the ear
- Your dog seems to be in pain or is lethargic
- The ear discharge has a strong, foul odor or changes in color or consistency
- Any signs of hearing loss or disorientation

Ear infections can worsen and lead to more serious complications, including deeper infections that can affect the middle or inner ear and potentially lead to hearing loss or balance issues.

Prompt veterinary attention will provide a proper diagnosis and treatment plan, which may include cleaning the ear canal, topical or systemic medications, and addressing any underlying issues such as allergies.

If you have any additional questions, please don’t hesitate to come back to us! Thank you.