She was vomiting and know she is refusing to eat, she is really skinny, has trouble getting up, can't see but she can hear.

It sounds like your Maltese is experiencing several concerning symptoms, including vomiting, refusal to eat, weight loss, difficulty getting up, and vision problems. These symptoms can indicate a serious underlying health issue that requires immediate attention.
Vomiting and refusal to eat can lead to dehydration and further weakness, especially if they persist. The weight loss and trouble getting up suggest that she might be experiencing significant discomfort or weakness. The vision problems add another layer of concern, as they could be related to neurological issues or other systemic conditions.
Given the combination of these symptoms and their severity, I strongly recommend that you take her to a veterinarian as soon as possible. They can perform a thorough examination and run necessary tests to determine the cause of these symptoms and provide appropriate treatment.
In the meantime, ensure she has access to fresh water to prevent dehydration. Try to keep her comfortable and minimize stress until you can get her to a vet.
If you have any further questions please ask us. Thank you.
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