He jus started puking and he does about every 3 hours he has nothing left in stomach now so it's yellow stomach bile won't eat or drink.he has a warm nose he acts like his belly hurts of

Vomiting in young dogs, especially when it's frequent and accompanied by a loss of appetite, can indeed be concerning. The fact that your dog is vomiting yellow bile suggests that his stomach is empty, leading to the expulsion of bile. While this can occur if a dog has an empty stomach for too long, the frequency of vomiting and his refusal to eat or drink could indicate a more serious issue.
It's important to note that a warm nose isn't necessarily a reliable indicator of fever or illness. However, the discomfort in his belly and his refusal to eat or drink are more significant signs to consider. Here are a few steps you can take at home to help your dog:
First, it's crucial to keep him hydrated. Try offering him small amounts of water or an electrolyte solution designed for pets. If he refuses to drink, you might need to use a syringe (without a needle) to gently squirt small amounts into his mouth.
Next, consider giving his stomach a rest by withholding food for 12 to 24 hours. This can help settle his stomach and reduce vomiting. After this fasting period, if the vomiting has stopped, you can introduce a bland diet. Boiled chicken and rice are often recommended. Start with small amounts to see if he can keep it down.
Throughout this process, keep a close eye on his condition. If he continues to vomit, refuses to drink, or shows signs of severe discomfort, it may be time to seek veterinary care. Since he's a young puppy, it's important to be cautious, as puppies can dehydrate quickly, and persistent vomiting can lead to more serious issues.
If his condition doesn't improve or worsens, I recommend contacting a veterinarian for further evaluation and treatment. Please feel free to reach out if you have any further questions. Thank you.
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