she has exerted a pink/red/orange fluid from her vagina and brown fluid from her eyes. her stomach is bloated and she’s been laying down all day. she hasn’t peed or pooped, or ate or drank anything since yesterday

The symptoms you're observing in your cat are indeed concerning and could point to a serious medical condition. The presence of pink, red, or orange fluid from her vagina might indicate a reproductive issue, such as a uterine infection known as pyometra, particularly if she hasn't been spayed. Additionally, the brown fluid from her eyes could suggest an eye infection or another underlying health problem. Her bloated stomach, along with lethargy and a lack of appetite, urination, or defecation, might be signs of a gastrointestinal blockage or another severe internal issue.
Given the seriousness and combination of these symptoms, I urge you to seek immediate veterinary care. These signs could potentially be life-threatening, and a veterinarian will be able to conduct the necessary diagnostics and provide appropriate treatment to address her condition.
If you have any further questions, please feel free to ask. Thank you.
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