His poop would also be normal brown but sometimes white and mucusy and yellowish

Diarrhea in a young kitten, especially when it persists for several days and involves changes in stool color and consistency, can indeed be concerning. The yellow, white, and mucusy stools you're noticing might suggest a few potential issues, such as dietary intolerance, infections, or parasites.
Since your kitten is only a month old, it's important to address this situation promptly. Young kittens can quickly become dehydrated and weak from diarrhea. Here are a few steps you can take at home to help your kitten:
Firstly, ensure your kitten stays well-hydrated. Offer fresh water frequently, and you might consider providing an electrolyte solution designed for pets to help maintain their hydration levels.
If your kitten is eating solid food, you might want to switch to a bland diet temporarily. Options like boiled chicken and rice can sometimes help firm up stools. Just make sure the food is suitable for kittens.
Keep a close eye on your kitten's behavior and energy levels, and watch for any additional symptoms such as vomiting or lethargy.
Given the duration and nature of the symptoms, I strongly recommend visiting a veterinarian as soon as possible. They can perform necessary tests to determine the underlying cause and provide appropriate treatment to prevent further complications.
If you have any more questions or need further assistance, please feel free to ask. Thank you.
I’m only 16 with no job or money how am I supposed to help him?? With the urgency of his condition could I get more advice how to help “cure” him or is a appointment with a vet really needed

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