Sun, Feb 25, 2024

His nose is running real bad and after he uses the bathroom he just lays on me and he was caught in a fire

Dr. Sena
Dr.Tail Vet

Smoke inhalation can cause damage to the airways and lungs, leading to coughing, difficulty breathing, nasal discharge, and lethargy.

For immediate care, ensure that your dog is in a well-ventilated area with fresh air to help clear any remaining irritants from the respiratory system. You can also use a humidifier to help soothe irritated airways. Make sure he has easy access to fresh water to stay hydrated, as this can help with the healing process.

If your dog's nose is running excessively, gently wipe away the discharge with a soft, damp cloth to keep him comfortable. However, avoid any over-the-counter medications unless specifically prescribed by a veterinarian, as many human medications are toxic to dogs.

It's important to monitor his breathing; if you notice any signs of difficulty such as rapid breathing, wheezing, or a bluish tint to the gums or tongue, these are emergencies and he should be taken to a veterinary hospital immediately.

In the case of a dog that has been exposed to a fire and is experiencing respiratory symptoms, it's crucial to monitor for any changes in behavior or worsening of symptoms. If you observe persistent coughing, increased respiratory effort, changes in gum color, or if he becomes reluctant to eat or drink, these are signs that he needs to be seen by a veterinarian as soon as possible.

Remember, while the above advice can help with mild symptoms, the involvement of a fire makes the situation more serious, and a veterinary examination is highly recommended to rule out any complications such as thermal burns to the airways or smoke inhalation pneumonia.

If you have any additional questions, please don't hesitate to come back to us! Thank you.