Duckie has a hard boney bump right on her left hip bone, we shaved the surface slightly to see if we could see any obvious bumps but the bump is under the skin and does not move. She is not limping or showing any signs of pain

I'm glad to hear that Duckie isn't experiencing any pain or limping. The hard, boney bump you've noticed under her skin could be a few different things. It might be a benign growth like a lipoma, a cyst, or possibly something related to the bone, such as a callus or a benign bone growth. Since it's not causing her any discomfort, it may not be an immediate concern, but it's still important to keep an eye on it.
At home, you can take a few steps to monitor the situation:
Firstly, observe the bump's size and shape. If you notice it growing rapidly or changing in texture, it would be wise to have it checked by a veterinarian. Secondly, keep an eye on Duckie's behavior. If she starts showing reluctance to move or any signs of discomfort, it could indicate that the bump is affecting her. Lastly, ensure that she continues to eat, drink, and play as she normally does.
If you notice any changes in the bump or if Duckie begins to show signs of discomfort, it would be a good idea to have a veterinarian examine her to rule out any underlying issues. If you have any further questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out. Thank you.
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