Suddenly went from playful and chubby to skinny and tired
It's certainly concerning when a kitten that was once playful and chubby suddenly becomes skinny and tired. There are several potential reasons for this change, and it's important to consider each one carefully.
Firstly, internal parasites, such as worms, can cause significant weight loss and lethargy in kittens. Even if your kitten has been treated for fleas, internal parasites might still be an issue. Additionally, viral or bacterial infections can lead to a loss of appetite, weight loss, and decreased energy levels.
Moreover, stress or environmental changes, such as the introduction of new pets, moving to a new home, or changes in routine, can stress a kitten and negatively impact its health.
For home care, make sure your kitten is eating high-quality kitten food and drinking plenty of water. Monitor for any other symptoms, such as vomiting, diarrhea, or changes in behavior.
Given the sudden and significant change in your kitten's condition, it's important to keep a close eye on them. If you notice any additional symptoms or if the current symptoms persist, it would be wise to take him to a veterinarian to rule out any serious underlying conditions.
If you have any further questions, please feel free to ask. Thank you.