Wed, Feb 28, 2024

Bobbing her head,sitting on her behind,with her legs constantly moving in place,swaying her body..

Dr. Balsama
Dr.Tail Vet

These behaviors might suggest a neurological problem, discomfort, or even a behavioral quirk.

Neurological issues can sometimes present with repetitive or unusual movements. Conditions such as canine distemper or other infections, head trauma, or congenital issues could be at play.

Pain or discomfort can also cause a dog to exhibit odd behaviors. For example, if she's experiencing abdominal pain, she might sit in an unusual position to try to alleviate it. Similarly, if there's discomfort in her legs or hips, she might move them in place without standing up.

Given that these symptoms have stopped, it's possible that if it was a minor injury or discomfort, she has recovered. However, it's important to keep an eye out for any recurrence of these symptoms or the appearance of new ones.

In terms of advice, ensure that your dog has a comfortable resting area that supports her posture and doesn't exacerbate any potential discomfort. Observe her when she moves around to see if any particular movements seem to cause her distress or if she's avoiding using a limb.

If you notice any of the following additional symptoms, it would be wise to seek immediate veterinary attention: loss of consciousness, severe lethargy, paralysis, seizures, extreme changes in behavior, sudden loss of balance, or any signs of pain like whining or aggression when touched.

In the meantime, maintain a calm and stable environment for your dog to prevent any stress that could exacerbate potential issues. Ensure she has a nutritious diet and fresh water, and consider a gentle massage to soothe her if she seems to be in discomfort and is amenable to it.

If you have any additional questions, please don't hesitate to come back to us! Thank you.