Mon, May 20, 2024

grade 1 slipped disc

Dr. Mason
Dr.Tail Vet

A grade 1 slipped disc, also known as intervertebral disc disease (IVDD), in your Maltese can be concerning, but with proper care, many dogs can recover well. The condition occurs when the cushioning discs between the vertebrae of the spinal column either bulge or burst into the spinal cord space, causing pain, nerve damage, and even paralysis. In grade 1, the disc may be bulging and causing mild to moderate pain without severe neurological deficits.

For a dog with a mild slipped disc, rest is crucial. Limit your dog's activity to prevent further injury. Create a comfortable, padded area for your dog to lie down, and carry him when going up or down stairs or when he needs to go outside to relieve himself. Avoid any jumping or rough play.

Pain management is also important. If your veterinarian has prescribed any medication for pain or inflammation, ensure you administer it according to their instructions. Never give human medications to your dog without consulting your vet, as many are toxic to pets.

To support your dog's recovery, maintain a healthy weight to reduce stress on the spine. If your dog is overweight, discuss a weight loss plan with your veterinarian. A balanced diet and controlled calorie intake are essential.

Watch for signs of improvement or worsening. If your dog seems to be in more pain, is having difficulty walking, or loses control of his bladder or bowels, these are signs that the condition may be progressing and he should be seen by a veterinarian immediately.

In the current condition, if you notice any of the following, seek veterinary attention right away:
- Sudden paralysis or dragging of the hind legs.
- Severe and continuous pain that is not relieved by prescribed medication.
- Loss of appetite or refusal to drink water.
- A noticeable change in your dog's behavior, such as increased agitation or depression.

Remember, while a grade 1 slipped disc can often be managed with conservative treatment, it's important to follow your veterinarian's recommendations closely and to monitor your dog for any changes in condition. Keep your dog's environment safe and calm to help him recover without additional stress.

If you have any additional questions, please don't hesitate to come back to us! Thank you.