Sun, Jul 9, 2023

Bloated stomach and multiple poops a day
Is this issue normal or not?

Dr. Mason
Dr.Tail Vet

I understand that your cat is experiencing tummy bloating and pooping a lot, and you're seeking information on what might be causing these symptoms.

Tummy bloating in cats can be a sign of various underlying issues. One potential cause could be gastrointestinal inflammation or an infection affecting the digestive system. Another possibility is the presence of intestinal parasites such as worms, which can lead to bloating and increased bowel movements. Additionally, dietary factors, such as sudden changes in diet or ingestion of inappropriate substances, can also contribute to digestive disturbances and bloating.

Given that your cat is also pooping a lot, it could indicate an increased motility in the gastrointestinal tract. This can be a result of dietary indiscretion or a response to inflammation or irritation in the intestines. Increased bowel movements can also be seen in conditions such as inflammatory bowel disease or food allergies.

Before taking your cat to the hospital, there are a few steps you can take at home to help manage the situation. Firstly, ensure that your cat has access to fresh water at all times to prevent dehydration. However, if you notice any signs of severe dehydration (such as sunken eyes, dry gums, or lethargy), it's essential to seek immediate veterinary attention.

To support your cat's digestive health, you can try feeding a bland diet consisting of easily digestible foods such as boiled chicken or plain white rice. This can help alleviate any gastrointestinal irritation and provide some relief. It's also advisable to avoid giving any treats or table scraps during this time.

However, if your cat's symptoms worsen or if she shows any additional concerning signs, it would be best to take her to the hospital promptly. Some of these warning signs include persistent vomiting, diarrhea with blood, abdominal pain or discomfort (evidenced by vocalization or reluctance to be touched), or a sudden decline in overall energy and appetite.

I hope this information helps you understand the potential causes of your cat's symptoms and provides you with some guidance on what to do at home. If you have any additional questions, please don't hesitate to come back to us! Thank you.