Sun, Nov 27, 2022

What can I get over the counter
Over the conter

Dr. Brown
Dr.Tail Vet

Thank you for taking the time to use our service.

Pneumonia in cats can have a variety of causes.
It can be caused by aspiration pneumonia (foreign body), infectious pneumonia (bacterial, fungal, parasitic, etc.), congenital disease, and heart disease, etc.
Different treatments should be given depending on the cause. For example, if your cat has fungal pneumonia, she may need antifungal treatment rather than antibiotic treatment. This should be accompanied by further examination at the veterinary clinic.
Honey water, echinacea, turmeric, a humidifier, and plenty of rest will be ways to relieve pneumonia symptoms with OTC. CBD oil may have an anti-inflammatory effect on your cat’s respiratory system.

If you have any additional questions or inquiries, please contact us at any time.