Fri, Mar 8, 2024

She was just hit by a car there's a blood spot on the road she was dazed when I picked her up she looked like she was dead and then she kind of came back to life she's not standing and I don't know what to do there is there 24-hour vet in Auburn Indiana?

Dr. Miller
Dr.Tail Vet

I'm sorry to hear about your cat's accident. The blood spot on the road suggests external bleeding, and her initial unresponsiveness followed by a dazed state could be a sign of shock, internal injuries, or even a concussion.

Given the severity of the situation, it's crucial to keep her warm. Wrap her gently in a blanket to maintain body heat and minimize movement, which could exacerbate any internal injuries. Avoid offering food or water.

I recommend getting her to the emergency room as soon as possible. The Vets will be able to assess her injuries, provide pain relief, and perform any necessary diagnostics, such as x-rays or blood tests, to determine the extent of her injuries and the best course of treatment.

And please support her head and neck while keeping her body level to avoid putting pressure on any potential injuries during the car ride.

Remember, time is of the essence in these situations, and prompt veterinary attention can make a significant difference in her prognosis.

I sincerely hope her health is restored. If you have any additional questions, please don't hesitate to come back to us! Thank you.