
Tiny has worms i brought her Triple Wormer for 6.0 to 25 lbs chewable tablets is this a good one for her

Dog, Chihuahua
6 years, Female
Issue details
Main concern
7 day(s)
Dr. Miller
Dr.Tail Vet

Triple Wormer is a popular choice for deworming dogs, effectively targeting intestinal worms like roundworms, hookworms, and tapeworms. Since Tiny is a Chihuahua, it's important to ensure that her weight falls within the specified range of 6.0 to 25 lbs for this medication.

Before you give Tiny the medication, please follow the dosage instructions carefully to ensure she receives the correct amount based on her weight. If you notice any adverse reactions or if the worms persist after treatment, it would be advisable to consult with a veterinarian. They can provide a thorough evaluation and suggest an alternative treatment plan if necessary.

It's also essential to maintain regular flea and tick prevention, as fleas can transmit tapeworms. Since Tiny is already using a flea collar, continue with this method to help minimize the risk of reinfection.

If you have any more questions or need further assistance, feel free to reach out. Thank you!


Thank you , your amazing Tiny is doing ok except for she is not eating as much but she gags here and there , i’m watching her very closely but she is having a bad problem it is to me she does not like to be away from me at all , if i leave her at home she gets very upset, she will not eat , drink and gets Ugly Tiny mad, and she will literally shake , it’s almost like she gets separation anxiety, she is an national support dog certified ,i can take her most place with me but some times i cant and it up sets her so bad she gets mad won’t eat wont do nothing now if im sick she follows me around to where ive almost stepped on her , we love each other so much but she worries me do you have any suggestion ? she is my life

Dr. Miller

It sounds like Tiny is experiencing separation anxiety, which is quite common in dogs, especially those who share a close bond with their owners.

Firstly, consider gradual desensitization. You can start by leaving Tiny alone for very short periods and slowly increase the time as she becomes more comfortable. This approach helps her understand that you will always return.

Creating a safe space for Tiny can also be beneficial. Designate a comfortable area with her favorite toys and perhaps a piece of your clothing that carries your scent. This can help her feel more secure when you're not around.

Positive reinforcement is another effective method. Reward Tiny with treats and praise when she remains calm as you prepare to leave or when you return. This can help her associate your departures and arrivals with positive experiences.

If her anxiety persists, consulting a professional dog trainer or behaviorist could offer tailored strategies to address her specific needs.