Sun, Sep 1, 2024

2 of My guinea pig's died just recently I talked with a vets assistant and she told me to get an over the counter medication for like cat's for the worms so I did. They were just fine until last night now they don't want to eat and they are sleeping more than usual. The medicine says to give them another dose at 14 day's but it's only been 10 day's what do I do. Can you please help me I can't lose these 2 too PLEASE

Dr. Windom
Dr.Tail Vet

I'm truly sorry to hear about the loss of your guinea pigs. It must be incredibly stressful to see your remaining guinea pigs not doing well. Given the symptoms you're describing—loss of appetite and increased lethargy—it's crucial to act quickly.

First, it's important to understand that medications formulated for cats may not be safe or effective for guinea pigs. Their bodies metabolize substances differently, and what is safe for one species can be harmful to another. The symptoms you're seeing could be a reaction to the medication or an indication of an underlying issue that hasn't been resolved.

Here are some steps you can take immediately:

1. **Stop the Medication**: Please discontinue the use of any cat medication for your guinea pigs. It's essential to avoid giving them anything that isn't specifically prescribed for them by a veterinarian.

2. **Hydration**: Ensure your guinea pigs are staying hydrated. Offer them fresh water and consider providing water-rich vegetables like cucumber or lettuce in small amounts.

3. **Tempting Foods**: Encourage them to eat by offering their favorite foods or treats. Fresh hay, leafy greens, and small pieces of fruit can sometimes entice them to eat.

4. **Environment**: Keep them in a quiet, comfortable environment to reduce stress. Make sure their living area is clean and at an appropriate temperature.

5. **Monitor Closely**: Keep a close eye on their behavior, appetite, and any other symptoms. Note any changes, no matter how small, as this information will be valuable for a veterinarian.

Given the severity of the situation and the recent loss of your other guinea pigs, I strongly recommend seeking immediate veterinary care. The symptoms you're describing could indicate a serious condition that requires professional treatment. A veterinarian can provide the appropriate medications and supportive care to give your guinea pigs the best chance of recovery.

If you have any further questions, please don't hesitate to ask. Thank you.