
i noticed shed was stuck in his eye so i rinsed it with hot water and contact lenses solution and i pulled out two small pieces of yellow gunk from hus eyes and he has been keeping them closed but when he opens them they are milky looking, i also pulled one of the sores on his mouth abd their was a little blood on it

Others, Amphibian
1 year, Unknown
Issue details
Main concern
Holding eye closed
7 day(s)
Other issues
Loss of appetite
scabs on mouth
Dr. Floore
Dr.Tail Vet

It sounds like your amphibian is experiencing some discomfort with its eyes and mouth. When an amphibian holds its eye closed and it appears milky, this can indicate irritation or an infection. This might be due to stuck shed or the use of hot water and contact lens solution, which are not suitable for amphibians. Additionally, the sores on the mouth and presence of scabs could suggest an infection or a skin condition.

For the eyes, it's important to keep them clean. You can gently rinse them with lukewarm, distilled water to help remove any remaining debris. It's crucial to avoid using hot water or solutions not specifically designed for amphibians, as these can cause further irritation.

Regarding the sores on the mouth, maintaining a clean environment is essential. Ensure the habitat is clean and that the humidity levels are appropriate for your amphibian species. You might also consider offering softer food options if the sores are affecting its ability to eat.

Since these issues have been ongoing for a week and involve both the eyes and mouth, it would be wise to monitor your amphibian closely. If the symptoms persist or worsen, or if you notice any additional signs of distress, it would be best to consult a veterinarian who specializes in exotic pets or amphibians. They can provide a more tailored treatment plan and ensure your pet receives the care it needs.

If you have any further questions, please feel free to ask. Thank you.