Hello. Nela is a female ragdoll cross cat (her mother was a ragdoll and her father was unknown) she weighs 5.4 kg and I'd say she look pretty slim. Is she a healthy weight?

Nela sounds like a lovely cat! At 5.4 kg, she appears to be within a healthy weight range for a mixed breed like a Ragdoll cross. Since Ragdolls are typically larger cats, her ideal weight can vary a bit due to her mixed heritage.
To determine if she's maintaining a healthy weight, there are a few things you can check. First, gently feel her ribs. You should be able to feel them with a slight layer of fat covering them, but they shouldn't be visible. Next, take a look at her waist from above; she should have a slight waistline behind her ribs. Lastly, check her tummy for a minimal fat pad.
If you notice she seems too slim or have any concerns about her weight, it's important to consider her diet and activity level. Make sure she's eating a balanced diet suitable for her age and lifestyle. If you're still unsure or worried about her weight or overall health, a visit to the vet can provide a more personalized assessment.
Please feel free to reach out if you have any more questions. Thank you!
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