she has 99.3 fever is okay if we use a human thermometer or will it read different

Using a human thermometer to check your dog's temperature is generally acceptable, but there are a few important considerations to keep in mind. Typically, a dog's normal body temperature ranges from 101 to 102.5 degrees Fahrenheit. Therefore, if you get a reading of 99.3 degrees, it is actually below the normal range for dogs and could suggest hypothermia or a possible error in measurement.
For the most accurate reading, it's advisable to use a digital rectal thermometer. Before taking your dog's temperature, ensure you lubricate the thermometer with a water-based lubricant or petroleum jelly. Gently insert it about an inch into the dog's rectum and hold it in place until it beeps, indicating that the reading is complete.
If you have concerns about the accuracy of the reading or if your dog is exhibiting signs of illness such as lethargy, shivering, or weakness, it would be wise to recheck the temperature or consult a veterinarian for further advice.
Please feel free to reach out if you have any more questions. Thank you.
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