Tue, Aug 6, 2024

Good morning. I actually do have a couple of questions. LJ has been on BRAVECTO 3 month for over a year now. We have switched her to Revolution plus and she is due for her first dose today. I’ve been seeing a lot of TikToks about the horrifying things these topical medications cause and now I’m afraid to give it to her. Do I really need to be so worried about that? She’s an indoor only cat but I still think flea prevention is important.

Secondly, LJ just never seems to have consistently good stools. She always ends up with really soft gooey stools. They will start off great, but end in goo. It seems she’s had every test under the sun and she is a healthy cat! She never seems to be in any discomfort. I’ve come to terms that maybe this is her normal stool. I’ve been adding a little pumpkin to her diet and her stools are much larger now which I think is great. I know they’ll go back to normal again-it’s just so frustrating. Also, today I will start transitioning her back over to a hydrolyzed diet-we are going to try it again. I’ll do it slowly-she’ll get 25% over the next couple days and then I’ll increase it slowly.

Any input would be greatly appreciated. Thank you and have a great day!!

Dr. Wilkins
Dr.Tail Vet

Good morning! Let's address your concerns one by one.

Revolution Plus is a widely used and generally safe product for flea and tick prevention. While there are always risks with any medication, severe adverse reactions are relatively rare. It's important to follow the dosage instructions carefully and monitor LJ after application for any signs of adverse reactions, such as excessive drooling, lethargy, or skin irritation. If you notice any concerning symptoms, please contact your veterinarian immediately. Flea prevention is indeed important, even for indoor cats, as fleas can still find their way inside.

As for LJ's stool consistency, soft stools can be frustrating, but if she is otherwise healthy and not in discomfort, it may be her normal. Adding pumpkin to her diet is a good idea, as it can help with stool consistency due to its fiber content. Transitioning her back to a hydrolyzed diet slowly is also a wise approach. Hydrolyzed diets can be beneficial for cats with food sensitivities or allergies, which might be contributing to her stool issues.

Cats may experience vomiting and diarrhea when changing their diet. As always, keep an eye on her to see if she develops any other symptoms.

Your efforts on her behalf are always amazing. If you have any further questions, please feel free to ask. Thank you.