
My dog went to daycare yesterday for the first time in a few weeks. He’s tired today and maybe sore. Is it normal for dogs to be tired after daycare the next day? He was holding his front right paw up for a minute after coming inside. It’s below zero with the windchill so I let him out long enough to go to the bathroom and come back in. He doesn’t seem to be limping and is putting weight on it again. Should I be worried? He ate and drank fine this morning

Dog, Mixed
4 years 11 months, Male
Issue details
Main concern
1 day(s)
Dr. Millden
Dr.Tail Vet

It's quite normal for dogs to feel tired after a day at daycare, especially if they haven't been in a while. The excitement and physical activity can really wear them out. Regarding the soreness and him holding up his paw, this might be due to the cold weather. Dogs can sometimes experience discomfort in their paws from the cold, particularly if there's ice or snow. Since he's not limping and is putting weight on it again, it doesn't seem to be a major concern.

However, it would be a good idea to check his paw for any signs of injury, such as cuts or redness, just to be sure. If you notice any swelling or if he starts limping or showing signs of pain, keep a close eye on him. Should these symptoms persist or worsen, consulting a veterinarian would be a wise step.

In the meantime, make sure he has a warm place to rest and recover from his busy day at daycare. If you have any further questions, please feel free to ask. Thank you.