
She tecently got fixed and we have a coke on her but it’s the 7 day and she started licking it and now it’s a lil bleed

Cat, Unknown
1 year, Female
Issue details
Main concern
5 day(s)
Dr. Brown
Dr.Tail Vet

It's quite common for cats to become curious about their surgical site, especially as it begins to heal around the 7-day mark. The Elizabethan collar, or cone, is designed to prevent them from licking the area, but sometimes they can still manage to reach it. If the stitches or healing tissue are disturbed, a little bleeding might occur.

First, make sure the cone is properly fitted. It should be snug enough to prevent your cat from reaching the incision, but not so tight that it causes discomfort. Next, keep a close eye on the incision site. Look for any signs of increased redness, swelling, or discharge, as these could indicate an infection.

It's also important to limit your cat's activity. Try to keep her calm and discourage jumping or running, as excessive movement can put stress on the incision. To help distract her from the incision site, provide toys or engage her in play.

If you notice any dried blood or discharge, gently clean the area with a damp cloth. However, avoid using any antiseptics or creams unless your veterinarian has advised you to do so.

If the bleeding continues or you observe any signs of infection, it's best to contact your veterinarian for further advice. They may want to examine the incision to ensure everything is healing properly.

If you have any further questions, please feel free to ask. Thank you.