Wed, Nov 29, 2023

My cat was laying next to me after I fell asleep and after a while I woke up to find him crying and since then he has been unable to walk or move as far as I think he pressed my body. It happened last night. And since he is not at all playful according to his age

Dr. Balsama
Dr.Tail Vet

I understand your concern about his symptoms. There are several potential causes for these symptoms.

Firstly, if he is experiencing difficulty breathing, has a distended abdomen, is in severe pain, or if his gums are pale or blue, these are signs that he needs to be taken to an emergency veterinary clinic immediately.

If none of these critical signs are present, you should still monitor your kitten closely. Ensure he is kept in a warm, safe, and quiet space away from any hazards or other pets that may cause him stress or injury.

Gently examine your kitten for any signs of injury, such as swelling, obvious pain when touched, or areas that he is guarding. Be careful not to cause further pain or injury during your examination. If you notice any wounds, bleeding, these are indications that he needs veterinary attention as soon as possible.

Since your kitten has not been vaccinated or received flea and tick prevention, he is at risk for various infectious diseases and parasites that can cause lethargy and weakness.

Another consideration is a congenital or developmental issue that may have only become apparent as your kitten began to grow and become more active. Conditions such as heart defects, neurological disorders, or metabolic diseases can cause weakness and lethargy.

While waiting to visit the vet, keep a close eye on your kitten for any changes in his condition. If he shows signs of pain, paralysis, seizures, difficulty breathing, or if he stops eating and drinking entirely, these are emergencies that require immediate veterinary care.

If you have any additional questions, please don’t hesitate to come back to us! Thank you.