Fri, Aug 23, 2024

big knot appeared it soft not hard it’s located under the skin behind his ear. he recently got attacked by another dog but the only thing that happened was his ear got cut. i’m not sure what caused this issue

Dr. Brown
Dr.Tail Vet

Given the recent dog attack and the cut behind your dog's ear, the soft knot you're feeling under his skin could be a few different things. Let's explore some possibilities:

Firstly, it might be a **hematoma**, which is essentially a collection of blood outside the blood vessels, often resulting from trauma. Hematomas typically feel soft and squishy. Another possibility is an **abscess**, which is a pocket of pus that can form due to an infection, often from a bite or scratch. Lastly, it could simply be **swelling from the injury**, which can occur even if there isn't a significant wound.

Considering the recent attack and the cut on your dog's ear, an abscess or hematoma seems quite likely. Here are some steps you can take at home to manage the situation:

- **Monitor the Lump**: Keep an eye on the size, shape, and firmness of the lump. If it grows, becomes hard, or starts to ooze, these are signs that it needs professional attention.
- **Check for Other Symptoms**: Look for signs of infection such as redness, warmth, or discharge. Additionally, observe your dog for any signs of pain, lethargy, or changes in behavior.
- **Keep the Area Clean**: If there’s an open wound, gently clean it with a mild antiseptic solution to prevent infection.

However, given the circumstances of the recent attack and the potential for infection or other complications, I strongly recommend having a veterinarian examine the lump. They can accurately determine whether it’s a hematoma, abscess, or something else and provide the appropriate treatment, which might include draining the lump or prescribing antibiotics.

If you have any further questions or need additional assistance, please feel free to ask. Thank you.