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Based on the information provided, your Affenpinscher is exhibiting several behavioral issues such as separation anxiety, destructive behavior, noise aversion, aggression, and travel anxiety. These behaviors can be caused by various factors, including lack of exercise, mental stimulation, or past traumatic experiences. Since he's on Fluoxetine and Trazodone, it's clear that there's an ongoing attempt to manage these issues pharmacologically, which is a common approach.
For separation anxiety, it's important to create a safe space for your dog where he feels secure when you're not home. This could be a crate or a specific room. Start by leaving him alone for short periods and gradually increase the time as he becomes more comfortable. Providing puzzle toys filled with treats can help keep him occupied and reduce anxiety.
Destructive behavior often stems from boredom or excess energy. Ensure your dog gets plenty of physical exercise and mental stimulation. Interactive toys, training sessions, and regular playtime can help redirect his energy into positive activities.
Noise aversion can be challenging, but desensitization techniques can help. Play recordings of the feared noises at a low volume while engaging in positive activities, like play or feeding, and slowly increase the volume over time as your dog becomes less reactive.
For aggression, it's crucial to understand the triggers and avoid situations that may provoke a response. Positive reinforcement training can help modify aggressive behavior, but it should be done under the guidance of a professional dog trainer or behaviorist.
Travel anxiety can be addressed by making car rides a positive experience. Start with short trips around the block, and gradually increase the distance. Bring his favorite toys or blankets to create a familiar environment in the car.
Regarding the additional health issues mentione

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