she has been digging holes and i think she’s somewhere ended up getting dirt in her eyes just wanna know how to get it out

It sounds like your chameleon might be experiencing some eye irritation, possibly due to dirt. Here are a few steps you can take to help her feel more comfortable:
Firstly, consider increasing the frequency of misting in her enclosure. This can help naturally flush out any debris from her eye. Additionally, you can gently rinse her eye with a sterile, over-the-counter saline solution designed for eyes. Using a dropper, apply a few drops to her eye to help cleanse it.
It's also important to check her environment. Ensure her habitat is clean and free from excessive dust or debris, as proper humidity and temperature are crucial for her overall health.
Keep a close watch on her behavior and appetite. If she continues to keep her eye closed or shows signs of discomfort, it would be wise to consult a veterinarian. Given her symptoms of loss of appetite and weight loss, monitoring her closely is essential. If these issues persist, a visit to a vet experienced with reptiles is recommended to rule out any underlying health problems.
If you have any further questions, please feel free to ask. Thank you.
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