
my cat is healthy, it’s just she has a crumb like a singular crumb of litter in her eye and i don’t know how to remove it

Cat, American Shorthair
1 year, Female
Issue details
Main concern
crumb in eye
1 day(s)
Other issues
Dr. Deliman
Dr.Tail Vet

If you notice that your cat has a small crumb or particle in her eye, it's crucial to handle the situation with care to prevent any irritation or injury. Here's how you can assist your cat at home:

First, approach your cat calmly and gently. It's important to stay composed to avoid startling her. If your cat tends to squirm, it might be helpful to have someone assist you in holding her gently.

Next, you can use a sterile saline solution, which is safe for eyes, to try and flush out the crumb. You can easily purchase this at a pharmacy. To do this, tilt your cat's head slightly so that the affected eye is facing downwards, and gently rinse the eye with the saline solution. This method can help wash out the foreign particle.

It's important to avoid touching the eye directly. Refrain from using your fingers or any objects to remove the crumb, as this could potentially injure the eye.

After flushing the eye, monitor your cat for any signs of irritation, such as excessive tearing, redness, or pawing at the eye. If these symptoms persist, it would be best to consult a veterinarian to ensure there's no underlying issue.

To prevent future incidents, make sure her litter box is clean and the litter is not too dusty, as this can help avoid similar problems.

If the crumb doesn't come out with saline or if you notice any signs of discomfort or irritation, consulting a veterinarian for further assistance would be wise. Should you have any more questions, please feel free to ask. Thank you.