It is two different cats. I'm not always sure which one the vomit belongs to. I don't find it daily but sometimes a few times a month. I am confused how to know which one it is and what the cause. Today I'm pretty sure it was Eevee...I found some earlier...and then I actually saw her vomit a few minutes ago....light brown and full of pieces of undigested food

It sounds like you're experiencing some occasional vomiting with one of your cats, possibly Eevee. Since this vomiting is sporadic and involves undigested food, it might be linked to her eating habits or a mild digestive upset. Let's explore a few things you might consider:
Firstly, it's possible that Eevee is eating too quickly, which can sometimes lead to vomiting. You might want to try feeding her smaller, more frequent meals to see if that helps. Additionally, using a slow feeder bowl can encourage her to eat more slowly.
Next, think about whether there have been any changes in her diet or if certain foods might not agree with her. Trying a limited ingredient diet could help reduce the vomiting if dietary sensitivity is the issue.
Also, consider any stress or changes in her environment, as cats can be quite sensitive to these factors, which might trigger vomiting. Ensuring that both of your cats have a calm and stable environment can be beneficial.
Although you didn't mention hairballs, they are a common cause of vomiting in cats. Regular grooming can help reduce the amount of hair Eevee ingests, potentially alleviating this issue.
Since you're not always sure which cat is vomiting, try observing them around feeding times or consider setting up a camera to identify the culprit.
If the vomiting becomes more frequent or if you notice other symptoms like lethargy or changes in appetite, it would be wise to consult a veterinarian to rule out any underlying health issues. For now, keep an eye on Eevee and see if any of these adjustments make a difference.
If you have any further questions, please feel free to ask. Thank you.
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