Fri, Nov 4, 2022

He stepped on bobwire

Dr. Brown
Dr.Tail Vet

Thank you for connecting with us. First of all, a photo would be very helpful in this case. I'm assuming the wound and bleeding are significant since you are mentioning stitches. Please bring him to the ER immediately for necessary medical intervention. You can use a sterile cloth to gauze to gently cover up and compress the lesion to control the bleeding and whatever is oozing. Significant blood loss can really complicate the situation. Please do not use any antiseptics if the wound is severe or deep as it can cause reverse effects such as delayed healing. When you bring him to the vet, please use a portable crate so that no pressure is applied to his paws during movement, and do not excite him as it can lead to continuous bleeding.

If you have any additional questions, please don't hesitate to come back to us!

Thank you.