Sat, Jul 8, 2023

He has vomited, at least twice one was yellow with just a little bit of food in it and it was very liquidy. The other was foamy and kind of yellow. He’s been very lethargic. He’s not wanting attention when he is very attention based. He usually comes running for his treat bag, but he wants nothing to do with a treat when I offer one, and he has yellow liquid coming out of his rectum.

Dr. Wilkins
Dr.Tail Vet

Thank you for providing additional information about your cat's symptoms. The yellow color of the vomit and the presence of foamy yellow vomit, along with lethargy and loss of appetite, can indicate a more serious condition. The yellow color suggests the presence of bile, which is produced by the liver and stored in the gallbladder.

The combination of vomiting, lethargy, and yellow liquid coming out of the rectum could be indicative of a liver or gallbladder issue. Liver diseases, such as hepatitis or liver failure, can cause these symptoms. Bile duct obstruction or gallbladder inflammation can also lead to the yellow appearance of vomit and the presence of yellow liquid from the rectum.

Given the severity of these symptoms, it is crucial to seek immediate veterinary attention for your cat.