There's doest seem to be any pain but I'm still worried cause they look like there's a problem an they are dry an flakey no cuts or anything but also I think he might have gotten an std from breeding with the dog next door that was in heat I pulled him off of right before it started so idk u tell me is it just normal dry skin or something more serious ?

It sounds like your Shar-Pei is experiencing some redness and flaky skin in the groin area, which could be attributed to a few different factors. Common causes include allergies, skin infections, or irritation from environmental factors. Given that Shar-Peis are known for their sensitive skin, this situation isn't unusual.
Since there doesn't seem to be any pain or cuts, it might just be a mild irritation or dryness. You can try a few things at home to help alleviate the issue. First, consider using a dog-safe moisturizer or coconut oil to address the dryness. Additionally, bathing your dog with a hypoallergenic shampoo designed for sensitive skin can be beneficial, but make sure to rinse thoroughly. It's also important to ensure your dog is on a balanced diet, as nutritional deficiencies can impact skin health.
Regarding your concern about an STD, it's worth noting that dogs don't contract sexually transmitted diseases in the same way humans do. However, if you're worried about any unusual symptoms, consulting a vet is always a good idea.
If the condition doesn't improve or worsens, or if you notice other symptoms like excessive licking, swelling, or discomfort, it would be best to have a vet examine your dog to rule out infections or other skin conditions. If you have any further questions, please feel free to ask. Thank you.
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