Fri, Mar 10, 2023

Late stage kidney disease allways purring
Why is she purring constantly? I understood when she was younger but now it seems different

Dr. Fanconi
Dr.Tail Vet

Purring is a common behavior in cats, and it can indicate a variety of emotions, including happiness, contentment, and relaxation. However, in some cases, purring can also be a sign of pain or discomfort.

In your cat's case, the fact that she is purring constantly despite her late-stage kidney disease is concerning. Kidney disease can cause a variety of symptoms in cats, including increased thirst and urination, weight loss, and lethargy. It can also cause pain and discomfort, which may be why your cat is purring constantly.

There are several potential causes of your cat's constant purring, including:

1. Pain: As mentioned, kidney disease can cause pain and discomfort in cats. Your cat may be purring as a way to self-soothe and cope with the pain.

2. Anxiety: Cats can also purr when they are anxious or stressed. If your cat is experiencing discomfort from her kidney disease, she may be feeling anxious or stressed, which could be causing her to purr constantly.

3. Cognitive dysfunction: Older cats can develop cognitive dysfunction, which is similar to dementia in humans. Cats with cognitive dysfunction may exhibit a variety of symptoms, including increased vocalization and restlessness. Purring could be a part of this behavior.

In terms of what you can do at home, it's important to make sure your cat is comfortable and has access to plenty of water. You may also want to consider feeding her a kidney-friendly diet, which can help manage her symptoms. If your cat's purring is causing you concern, you may want to consult with your veterinarian to rule out any underlying health issues.

If your cat exhibits any additional symptoms, such as vomiting, diarrhea, or difficulty breathing, it's important to take her to the hospital immediately. These symptoms could indicate a more serious health issue that requires immediate attention.

In summary, your cat's constant purring could be a sign of pain, anxiety, or cognitive dysfunction. It's important to make sure she is comfortable and has access to plenty of water. If you have any additional questions, please don't hesitate to come back to us! Thank you.