Wed, Sep 20, 2023

I’m at a vet and he came out as Parvo positive. The breeder says he doesn’t or shouldn’t have parvo. I may think it was a false positive since he got his parvo vaccine 13 days ago
Do I go to a different vet?

Dr. Sena
Dr.Tail Vet

It is important to approach this situation calmly and gather all the necessary information before making any decisions.

Firstly, it is possible for a Parvo test to come back positive even after vaccination. Vaccines are not 100% effective, and there is always a small chance that a vaccinated dog can still contract the disease. However, it is also important to consider other factors that may contribute to a positive test result.

Parvo is a highly contagious viral disease that primarily affects puppies and unvaccinated dogs. It is typically spread through contact with infected feces or contaminated environments. The virus attacks the gastrointestinal tract, leading to severe vomiting, diarrhea (often bloody), loss of appetite, and dehydration.

If your dog has tested positive for Parvo, it is crucial to isolate him from other dogs to prevent further spread of the virus.

At home, you can provide supportive care to help your dog through the illness. It is essential to keep him hydrated, as Parvo can cause severe dehydration. Offer small amounts of water frequently or consider using an electrolyte solution specifically designed for dogs.

Regarding your question about going to a different vet, it is always an option to seek a second opinion if you have doubts or concerns about the initial diagnosis. Once the cause has been pinpointed, treatment should be directed accordingly.

If you have any additional questions, please don't hesitate to come back to us! Thank you.