Dog Allergies

Dog Allergies

Identifying and Treating Dog Allergies
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Dog allergies can be very uncomfortable, especially when it happens often. This article explores the causes, signs, and how to handle these allergies.
4 minute read
By Team Dr.Tail
Vet checking for symptoms of a black dog’s allergies
Vet checking for symptoms of a black dog’s allergies
We all know how awesome dogs are. Well, the sad thing is they can get allergies too! Just like when we sniffle or have itchy eyes, our furry friends might face something called dog allergies.
In this article, we're jumping into the world of dog allergies. Imagine your dog keeps scratching or licking their paws—that could mean they're dealing with allergies. It's not fun for them, but the good part is that we can figure out what is wrong and help them feel better.
Here, we will look at dog allergies, what causes them, the signs to look for, and how to make our dogs feel better.
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What are Allergies in Dogs?

Dog allergies happen when a dog's body reacts strongly to things that are usually harmless, like pollen or certain foods. It's like their body is too sensitive, causing itching, sneezing, or red eyes. Figuring out what's causing these reactions is crucial so we can help our furry friends feel better. Dog allergies are from the immune system getting more alert than usual, reacting to foods, seasons, contact, bites, or even medication.

What Causes Dog Allergies?

Dogs can get allergies for different reasons. Here are some common causes:
  • Pollen and Grass: Like humans, dogs can react to pollen from trees, grass, and weeds. When these tiny particles float in the air, they can cause allergy signs in some dogs.
  • Certain Foods: Certain foodstuffs, such as wheat, meat, or chicken, cause allergies in particular dogs and can be known as dog allergy foods. You can help them when you know about these foods and remove them from their diet.
  • Fleas and Other Bugs: It's not just the bite that bothers dogs; some find the proteins in flea saliva uncomfortable. So, a flea bite can lead to a lot of itching and discomfort for allergic pups.
  • Pet Dander: Dog or other pets with fur shed dander. However, this dander, consisting of tiny skin particles, is a common culprit in canine allergies, often causing symptoms such as itching and discomfort in our beloved pets.
  • Mold and Mildew: Damp environments can house mold and mildew, which are potential dog allergens. Dogs spending time in those places might develop allergic reactions.
  • Dust Mites: Like human allergies, dust mites can be a culprit. They are tiny creatures that thrive in household dust; some dogs may react to their presence.
  • Cleaning Products: Harsh chemicals in cleaning products or even certain grooming products can cause skin irritation and allergic reactions in some dogs.
  • Prescription Medications: Sometimes, dogs may react to drugs given by vets. You should watch their reactions and consult the vet for adverse effects.

Symptoms of Dog Allergies

The following are some dog allergy symptoms:
  • Itchy Skin
  • Watery Eyes
  • Sniffling and Sneezing
  • Paw Licking
  • Skin Irritation
  • Vomiting or Diarrhea
  • Coughing

How To Treat These Dog Allergies

Treating dog allergies involves a mix of steps and help from a trusted and expert vet. Here's how to take care of allergy symptoms:
  • Allergy Testing: Determine what's causing the trouble—certain foods, fleas, or something else.
  • Change Their Food: If it's a food allergy, changing their diet can make a big difference. Your vet can guide you on the right food.
  • Keep It Clean: Regular baths help remove allergens from your dog's fur. Remember to choose gentle shampoos recommended by your vet. Also, use hypoallergenic products for your dog(s).
  • Flea Control: Prevent flea bites with vet-recommended flea treatments. A flea-free pup is a happier pup!
  • Allergy Meds: Your vet may suggest simple medicine for dog allergies to ease symptoms. Follow their advice on dosage. Many over-the-counter options are available for dog owners seeking relief for their furry friends. These include hypoallergenic grooming products and certain antihistamines.
  • Allergy shots: Dogs can benefit from allergy shots, which are like special treatments. These shots have a bit of what causes the allergy, and the idea is to make the dog's body get used to it over time.
  • Regular Vet Check-ups: Keep up with vet visits. They'll monitor your dog's progress and adjust the plan if needed.
  • Extra Love and Affection: Sometimes, extra cuddles and attention can make your puppy happy and feel better. Don’t underestimate the power of some extra affection.
While it may not be possible to prevent dog allergies fully, a clean environment, flea control, a balanced diet, and regular vet visits can go a long way.